
Al Siraat news

Primary School news – 290 stories

  • Year 4 Angahook Holiday Camp

    30 November 2023

    This week, our Year 4 students had the time of their life at Angahook Holiday Camp in Anglesea, off the world famous Great Ocean Road for the duration of 2 days/3 nights. Many of the students were initially nervous about leaving their parents behind for their first ever camp experience, but after some encouraging words from teachers and… Read more

    Year 4 Angahook Holiday Camp
  • Year 3 & 4 Dojo Redemption Excursion: Lavender Farm

    29 November 2023

    This week, students from our Year 3/4 cohort who have demonstrated excellent behaviour throughout the semester were rewarded with an excursion to Warratina Lavender Farm. Our students were able to observe how lavender is picked, a very strenuous task completed by hand, then dried and sent to the markets. They learnt that lavender is also… Read more

    Year 3 & 4 Dojo Redemption Excursion: Lavender Farm
  • Foundation Incursion: Paramedic’s Visit

    29 November 2023

    Who helps our community when we need it? Paramedic Mr Waseem from Ambulance Victoria brought our learning to life this week with a visit to our Foundation classes. Our young inquirers had the opportunity to learn when someone might need an Ambulance, how to contact emergency services, and what to expect if they call 000. We toured the… Read more

    Foundation Incursion: Paramedic’s Visit
  • Year 2 Bee-Bots Incursion

    29 November 2023

    Our Year 2’s are using Bee-Bots in Technology to learn location in Maths. A Bee-Bot is an exciting programmable floor robot perfect for Lower Primary students with its child friendly layout to teach control, directional language and programming. Students explored the functions of the robots, created and planned tasks for the Bee-Bots ,and… Read more

    Year 2 Bee-Bots Incursion
  • Trash and Treasure Market Fundraiser

    23 November 2023

    We would like to thank the staff and students who helped setup, sell, buy, prepare and pack up during Thursday’s Trash & Treasure Market held in front of the Musalla. A Huge shout out to our wonderful Teacher Aides who helped tremendously. When the second hand items arrived, we were not certain how much would sell and had no idea how much… Read more

    Trash and Treasure Market Fundraiser
  • Year 3 Students Unveil Sustainability Wonders

    22 November 2023

    Green minds at work: This term, our Year 3 and Hifz students have been diving into recycling and its impact on our planet. They actively engaged in a few hands-on projects, like donating old glasses and sunglasses to people in need overseas and supporting Melbourne Zoo’s Recycling Project to save… Read more

    Year 3 Students Unveil Sustainability Wonders
  • Year 3 CERES Excursion

    21 November 2023

    This week our Year 3’s and Hifz students joined the expert educators at CERES on a journey towards zero waste where students explored the impacts of waste, discovered solutions to reduce waste and demonstrated ways to turn waste into a valuable resource. The educators guided students through problem solving and action planning to create… Read more

    Year 3 CERES Excursion
  • Foundation Incursion: Epping CFA Visit

    16 November 2023

    This week, our Foundation students were fortunate to have the EPPING CFA team on site in between duty calls for their next emergency deployments. Students welcomed the team and their firetruck on site with much excitement. The students were also very interested in the fire truck parked safely inside our staff carpark and were shown the… Read more

    Foundation Incursion: Epping CFA Visit
  • The Golden Age Production

    10 November 2023

    Lights! Camera! Action!" Our "The Golden Age" production featured, for the very first time, a show that educated, inspired, and entertained in a way very few others have done in the past. In a time where animations, sitcoms, social media, and sporting personalities dominate the hearts and minds of our children the light is not actually… Read more

    The Golden Age Production
  • Foundation – Year 2: Playhouse Initiative

    30 October 2023

    We have an exciting project in the works for our Foundation students, and we’d like to invite you to be a part of it: As you know, our little one’s love to explore and play, and we believe that a well-equipped play area can ignite their imaginations and creativity like nothing else. That is why we are embarking on a mission to create a… Read more

    Foundation – Year 2: Playhouse Initiative
  • Year 5 and 6 Girls Camp Jungai 2023

    26 October 2023

    Camp Jungai was an incredible camp location for our Year 5/6 girls, which they enjoyed from start to finish. The three days were filled with many activities, including: - Canoeing. - Nature walks. - Indigenous games. - Boomerang painting . - Movie night . - Giant swing and . - Low ropes challenges. We also had Islamic talks and lots of… Read more

    Year 5 and 6 Girls Camp Jungai 2023
  • AFP-led Cyber Safety Program

    18 October 2023

    Today, our Student Support Department SSD welcomed three members of the Australian Federal Police AFP on site for important Cyber Safety Awareness sessions, conducted for our Primary students in Years 2 to 6. We are grateful to our SSD team for inviting Senior Constable Gerald Del Bono and the Community Liaison Officers for facilitating… Read more

    AFP-led Cyber Safety Program
  • Foundation Visit to Bundoora Farm

    12 October 2023

    The first two of our Foundation classes visited Bundoora Farm on Wednesday’s beautiful and warm weather day where they were engaged in variety of fun farm activities. The excursion was part of their learning unit on "the basic needs of living things". During our amazing excursion to Bundoora Farm, our youngest students had the most… Read more

    Foundation Visit to Bundoora Farm
  • Al Siraat Shines in the Parliament Prize Competition

    5 October 2023

    We are thrilled to share some exciting news about our students' recent accomplishments in the prestigious Parliament Prize competition, an annual event hosted by the Victorian Parliament. The competition provides students with a platform to articulate issues that matter to them and share their perspectives on what they would convey to… Read more

    Al Siraat Shines in the Parliament Prize Competition
  • Amazing News – Tournament of Minds Results

    1 September 2023

    We have received awesome news that our Team 2 of Tournament of Minds TOM has been awarded HONOURS AWARD 2nd Place in the competition amongst schools in Victoria. We would like to congratulate the following students: Team 2 – THE HUMOROUS HATS Year 5/6. The ARTS Challenge – Immersion Sidney Nolan. - Maheen M 6G3. - Suhana A 6G3. - Tahlia… Read more

    Amazing News – Tournament of Minds Results
  • Year 2 Science Incursion: Sound and Light

    30 August 2023

    Our Year 2 students had the opportunity to learn how light and sound are produced by a range of sources and can be sensed. Through hands-on activities, the students explore how light and sound travel, bounce and move through objects. The highlight of the incursion was when our students tried to catch a rainbow!. View more photos… Read more

    Year 2 Science Incursion: Sound and Light
  • Year 3 Science Incursion: Heat and Energy

    30 August 2023

    Our captivating Science incursion took our Year 3 students on an exhilarating scientific journey, delving deep into the captivating realm of energy, with a special focus on the enchanting properties of heat. Through a series of hands-on activities and interactive demonstrations, students were immersed in a world of discovery that left… Read more

    Year 3 Science Incursion: Heat and Energy
  • Primary Book Week Celebrations

    30 August 2023

    Celebrating Book Week 2023, our Foundation to Year 2 students had their pyjamas on while taking part in a range of reading activities, including Stop, Drop, and Read, Buddy Reading, and reading sessions with their teacher. Our youngest students brought their favourite book, stuffed animal, and blanket, which they used during the… Read more

    Primary Book Week Celebrations
  • Book Week: Sunnah Reading Picnic

    30 August 2023

    It was a wonderful sight during Book Week to welcome so many parents on sight to join us for our inaugural Sunnah Reading Picnic on campus. The weather could not have been more favourable, with some beautiful sunshine allowing the event to go ahead outside as planned. It was all about enjoying books and spending quality time together at… Read more

    Book Week: Sunnah Reading Picnic
  • Year 2 Excursion to CERES

    24 August 2023

    Our Year 2 students visited CERES this week which is an environmental education centre by the Merri and Darebin Creeks on Wurundjeri country, Melbourne. CERES pronounced series stands for Centre for Education and Research in Environmental Strategies. Our students have been learning about Indigenous perspectives during their Humanities… Read more

    Year 2 Excursion to CERES
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