
Senior GIRLS Camp 2017

24 February 2017

The buses filled with anticipation, in the morning of the journey to the camp destination. While our Senior girls wondered what was to come, teachers had been working hard to make camp fun. The young ladies were welcomed with smiles and a bit of sun, and the camp had only just begun:

Canoeing, volleyball, thunder hockey, a robe course, flying fox and firing arrows with a bow. However, it was the long water slide and water trampoline that stole the show.

Students were challenged in their own personal way, with plenty of encouragement and support provided by group members who insisted to stay.

Staying in supported regardless of the time, to help a fellow camper who at first wouldn鈥檛 even try. Meals filled plates and tummies, with some girls wanting the same foods cooked by their mummies.

Bedtime seemed easy at first sight. However teachers were kept up throughout the night. On day two campers really settled in, with fajr prayer, taffakur and taleem.

As the encounters of each activity trilled and excited, the girls reflected on what was learned and recited. Teachers relieved for the early night on day two, with students exhausted by the activities delivered by the camp crew.

The final day of camp came ever so quickly, with a morning pack up and room tidy. So much achieved and fears conquered, relationships formed and others pondered.

As the bus ride home suggested, the quiet moments left for those who rested. Memories will be shared for many years to come, but it is the change and personal growth that is more halesome.

All praise and thanks is to Allah Rab Al-Alameen, for without His help nothing could have been. Thank you to the dedication of those who helped along the way, it is appreciated every single day.